1. Make it less attractive

The colors within the phone are eye candy and make the display highly pleasurable. They are more vibrant and attractive than the natural colors we see in Nature.

How to make the display less attractive: Turn your right side button into a “greyscale toggle switch” that turns your phone from color to black and white whenever you want.

  1. Go to settings

  2. Click Accessibility

  3. Scroll to bottom. Underneath “General” click “Accessibility shortcut”.

  4. Select “Color Filters” so that there is a checkmark next to it.

  5. Test by clicking the right side button 3 times.

  6. VOILA.

2. Add friction points

The iPhone and the apps that sit on it are getting more slippery because attention is fluid and it flows like water. To slow down the waterslide, you can add your own friction points which will create resistance to the flow of your attention. This can help alleviate the gravitational “pull” of your energy into the phone.

Ways to add friction points:

  1. Turn off Face ID and use a passcode. The more complex the passcode, the more friction.

  • Go to settings

  • Click “Face ID & Passcode”

  • Toggle off the “iPhone Unlock” switch underneath “Use Face ID For”

2. Use a case that requires you to open it like a book to get into the phone.

3. Put the phone in another room, in a drawer when you want to focus.

4. Delete and reinstall highly addictive apps whenever you want to use them.