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Organic Growth

“Study the science of art; Study the art of science. Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.” // Leonardo Di Vinci

In this famous quote, Di Vinci points out the two poles that create one unity:

Masculine Energy (Science) + Feminine Energy (Art)

Studying “the science of art” can also be understood as: studying how masculine structure directs the feminine creative flow.

Studying “the art of science” could also be understood as: studying the feminine creativity that goes into developing the masculine science.

Art without structure falls apart.

Science without the magic of creativity is stagnant.

Both energies are needed for organic growth.

Then what is the essence of these two energies? How can we play with them? How can we use them consciously?

Through observation, Nature shows us Universal laws… Then all we gotta do is copy.