Black Acrylic on White Unstretched Canvas (5FT X 18FT)
To schedule an in person showing of the scroll in Savannah, GA click here.
about the art
The Ancient Numeral Scroll #1 is a 5FT X 18FT painting (Black acrylic on white unstretched canvas) made of Mayan and Egyptian Hieratic numerals. The pattern goes on infinitely without repeating due to a set of rules, or “code”, that are followed when painting. When viewed with a soft gaze, the pattern can help stabilize the mind by bringing the viewer into present-moment awareness. Balancing both chaos and order, the pattern can also help to ground the energy of a space or human as it subconsciously reveals the grid lines of the Earth.
*** A portion of all art sales goes towards supporting the Savannah Steelers youth football team ***
the healing properties of the art
The natural principles at play in the Ancient Numeral Grid are the Masculine principles of structure and order and the Feminine principle of chaos (shown in the numerals). Underlying the pattern is an invisible grid of squares that stabilizes the chaotic nature of the pattern. This underlying framework of squares creates a stabilizing effect on the mind and effectively locks each unit of the numeral’s construction in place. Because of this, the viewer can be taken directly into present-moment awareness with thoughts of the future and past dissolving into the timeless now. As healing is only available to us in the present moment, the grid acts as a portal to the limitless space of the now moment.
There are a few rules that are followed when painting and that “guide” the chaos of the pattern. These rules, or “code”, give it its disorganized, yet organized structure which, in turn, allows for it to go on forever without repeating (Ex: “points can only be in a line”). These rules provide the boundaries for the flow of numerals to be laid on the grid without pausing or stopping to think about what is coming next. Since this organic pattern integrates both of Nature’s polarized energies (Masculine/order and Feminine/chaos), the viewer can also experience themselves as 1 with Nature when engaging with it through conscious breathing and open-eyed meditation.