2 Hour Virtual Breathwork to unblock your creativity

Unblock your creativity, with the breath.

You have unique creative gifts within you that no one else has.

They have become buried over a lifetime of pain and thankfully we have a tool to excavate them: your breath.

Breathwork is a powerful tool that enables you to go into these parts of yourself and effectively “thaw” the frozen energy within the wounding so that you can become the creator you were designed to be.

When we dissolve the blocks, our creativity becomes alive and flows how it was designed to flow.

People book these sessions when they feel “stuck” creatively and are experiencing stagnancy in their creative endeavors.

Are you experiencing any of the following?

  1. You are creatively blocked and nothing is flowing.

  2. You don’t know where to start and are struggling to get started on your creative projects, even the ones that you are most passionate about.

  3. You have a vague idea of what you’d like to create but are struggling to “see” the whole vision.

  4. Your attention is trending towards reasons why your projects will not be successful, as opposed to all the reasons they will be.

  5. Your energy feels “stuck.

Then book a 1:1 BREATH + CREATIVITY session!

You are 2 hours away from clearing the blocks to your own creative genius.