"THE CODE OF RA” is a unified expression of the Masculine principle of order combined with the Feminine principle of chaos.

RA is the prefix to the words ray, ratio, radius, and radiate which are all connected through geometry, mathematics and lines leaving from a single point.

RAY- "beam of light, light emitted in a given direction from a luminous body"

RADIUS - "spoke of a wheel; ray of light, beam of light; radius of a circle"

RATIO - "a reckoning, account, a numbering, calculation"

RADIATE - "spread in all directions from a point in rays or straight lines"

This organic geometry is made of points and lines that follow an intuitive set of rules or “code” (Ex: “points can only be in a line”). The code creates the limits for the limitless pattern to go on infinitely into space without repeating.

The structure that holds the pattern is a grid of invisible squares, with each square marking a unit of space. Each point marks a unit, with multiple units creating the structure of each line.

This integrated and organic pattern subconsciously reveals the energetic grid lines of the Earth, and as such, is naturally stabilizing and helps to ground the individual by bringing internal balance and stillness to the psyche.

Both the pattern and the different permutations of it are shared with the intention to stabilize and ground the spaces and the individuals who experience it.